Saturday, August 9, 2008

Yumbilla Falls: one of the World’s highest waterfalls

According to the Peruvian National Geographic Institute, Yumbilla Falls is the third highest waterfall in the world at 895.40 meters high, after Tugela Falls in South Africa (948m.) and Salto del Angel in Venezuela (972m.). Yumbilla Falls, located in the region of Amazonas, in the cloud forest of northern Peru, has four waterways surrounded by tropical vegetation. The falls will soon be part of a new two-day natural journey that will include the waterfalls of Chinata and Gocta as well; Gocta was once thought to be the third highest in the planet at 771 meters high. This new tourist route will add to the attractions that the Amazonas region currently offers to visitors, such as the archaeological sites of Kuelap and Karajia among others.

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